## SSH CONFIGURATION FILE FORMAT VERSION 1.1 ## REGEX-SYNTAX egrep ## end of metaconfig ## (leave above lines intact!) ## ssh2_config ## SSH 3.2 Windows Command Line Client Configuration File ## ## Affects also sftp2.exe and scp2.exe which use ssh2.exe for transport. ## ## This file should be located in \Application Data\SSH. ## (Run ssh2.exe -h, it displays the full path.) ## ## The ".*" is used for all hosts, but you can use other hosts as ## well. See examples at the end of the file. .*: ## General # VerboseMode no # QuietMode no # BatchMode no # Compression no # ForcePTTYAllocation no # EscapeChar ~ # PasswordPrompt "%U@%H's password: " # PasswordPrompt "%U's password: " # AuthenticationSuccessMsg yes # SetRemoteEnv FOOBAR=baz ## Network # Port 22 # NoDelay no # KeepAlive yes # SocksServer socks://fw.company.com:1080/, # SocksServer socks://mylogin@socks.ssh.com:1080/, # UseSocks5 no ## Crypto # Ciphers AnyStdCipher # MACs AnyStdMAC # StrictHostKeyChecking ask # RekeyIntervalSeconds 3600 ## User public key authentication # IdentityFile identification # RandomSeedFile RandomSeed ## External key provider # EkProvider pkcs11 # EkInitString dll(token_vendor_pkcs11v2.10.dll) # EkInitString dll(vendorpkcs11.dll) slots(1) ## Server certificate authentication # HostCANoCRLs "CACertificates/test-ca-certificate.cer" # HostCA "CACertificates/ca-certificate.cer" # LdapServers ldap://server.domain-name:389 # DefaultDomain foobar.com ## Tunneling # GatewayPorts no # ForwardAgent yes # ForwardX11 no # Tunnels that are set up upon login # # LocalForward "110:pop3.company.com:110" # LocalForward "143:imap.company.com:143" # LocalForward "25:smtp.company.com:25" # RemoteForward "3000:localhost:22" ## SSH1 Compatibility # Ssh1InternalEmulation yes # Ssh1MaskPasswordLength yes ## Authentication ## publickey, keyboard-interactive and password allowed by default ## Least interactive method should be usually attempted first. # AllowedAuthentications publickey,keyboard-interactive,password ## Examples of per host configurations #alpha.*: # Host alpha.oof.fi # User username_at_alpha # PasswordPrompt "%U:s password at %H: " # Ciphers aes #foobar: # Host foo.bar # User foo_user